Renovate or rebuild is a million-dollar question that daunts many homeowners who own homes that are several decades old. Age is a factor that impacts our lives and the life of our homes alike and Pondicherry homes are no exception, particularly given its proximity to the coast. Several factors should be critically analyzed before arriving at a final decision on which route is best for you. Let us consider some of the valuable tips from people who have lived half their lives in an apartment reconstruction Company in Pondicherry donning multiple caps.
The final shape that you are dreaming
After the renovation or rebuilding, what are your expectations? What should the new home look like? Will there be more space or would some of the existing space be chopped off? Can you add one or more floors or extend the building laterally? How many people will use the new facility and if fewer people are expected the new facility, would you rather have a more compact home than luxurious living rooms and bedrooms?
Apartments vs. Independent homes
When you plan to renovate an old apartment, the first consideration will be its age. Further, you have limited scope since you cannot do any structural alterations. The best that would be possible is changing the flooring, scrapping all the old paint, and repainting with a strong base coat of primer and a good-quality top coat. But, before starting this, it is important that you speak to the owners on the top floor and understand if they are planning any renovation. If the top floor and washrooms are weak you should get competent professional help to study leakages, seepages, plumbing lines, and electrical lines before undertaking any work. Rebuilding an apartment will be a collective work and all owners of an existing complex should enter into a common understanding. If such an understanding is arrived at, invite an apartment reconstruction Company in Pondicherry to create a blueprint and understand the economics.
Renovating/rebuilding independent homes
Renovating or rebuilding independent homes is entirely different from a similar exercise for apartments. The following are the important considerations when you are renovating or rebuilding an independent home:-
Structural stability and age
The age of the independent home and its structural stability are the major considerations. If the existing building is older than 5 decades, you must get a professional assessment of the structural stability of the building before planning a renovation. This is particularly important for terrains close to the sea because of the impact of salt content in the moisture. Yet, some of the old buildings (> 50 years) may have stood the test of time due to the high-quality unadulterated material and engineering skills used. These buildings may be suitable for renovation without major alterations to the structural detail.
Plumbing & Electrical
The plumbing and Electrical lines in most modern buildings are concealed in the walls. But, in older buildings, both these lines are over the walls making close inspection and assessment easier for you. But, do not compromise on getting a professional assessment before starting any work.
Do a thorough inspection of the roof to identify potential leakages/seepages. You can skip this inspection if you are rebuilding the home. The roof of older homes tends to be weak and can cause serious seepages and leakages as the years roll by.
When you are renovating older homes it may be desirable to change the entire flooring. Thoroughly check the flooring, understand the material used, and decide after getting professional advice. Some flooring tiles with great design and colors have remained unblemished for generations, particularly in certain parts of Tamil Nadu.
If you plan to raise higher floors in the property, rebuilding may be essential since RCC came to India only about 75 years ago and therefore older structures may not have load-bearing capacity.
Finally, consider the economics of rebuilding vs. renovation aligning it with your aspirations and potential ROI.
For competent professional advice do not hesitate to get in touch with Jeno Maran who brings over 3 decades of consistent experience and expertise in the building industry across Pondicherry.